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Catalog Nodes apply configuration to NodeCode allowing NodeCode to be reused in different ways. For example, the ContextValueComparatorNodeCode can have many Catalog Nodes that define different common comparators like Greater Than Zero, Is Zero or any other comparator that is based on a constant.


The CatalogNodeInterface interface must be implemented to have a CatalogNode work within the framework. The CatalogNode implementation can be used with your favorite framework to add Catalog Nodes via a container and declarative options.

CatalogNode Class

You can add catalog node classes to your code, just implement the CatalogNodeInterface. If you are using the Feral Slack package with Symfony, all classes that implement the CatalogNodeInterface interface will automatically be included in the catalog.

CatalogNode Decorator

Since Catalog Nodes are NodeCode with configuration applied, you can use the Attribute Feral\Core\Process\Attributes\CatalogNodeDecorator in your NodeCode clas to add Catalog Nodes to your catalog. See [/node-code/JsonDecodeNodeCode])(this example) to see a NodeCode that has been decorated with a Catalog Node.

Example: ContextValueComparatorNodeCode

use Feral\Core\Process\Attributes\CatalogNodeDecorator;

name: 'Is Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::EQ, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]
class ContextValueComparatorNodeCode implements NodeCodeInterface
use NodeCodeMetaTrait,


Catalog Nodes are grouped into categories using the group property. It's possible to have hundreds of nodes in a Catalog so grouping them is critical to keep the catalog orderly.

Categories in the core

  • Data
  • Flow