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Process Node

A ProcessNode is an instance of a catalog node. The ProcessNode is defined in the process configuration and does not have a class file associated with it.

In this example, a process node is created which uses the cat_data catalog node. No configuration is needed in this ProcessNode. If the result from the NodeCode is ok, then move on to the info node.

"key": "api_data",
"description": "Get Cat Data",
"catalog_node_key": "cat_data",
"configuration": {},
"edges": {
"ok": "info"


The ProcessNode key is what maps the edges to each other. It must be unique within the process.


The description of the ProcessNode for the process designer.


An object that maps key/value pairs to the NodeCode configuration. The ProcessNode instance must supply any required configuration data not supplied by the CatalogNode or the NodeCode.


Any configuration that matches the CatalogNode keys will be overwritten by the CatalogNode configuration values.


The edges are a collection of connections between nodes. The key/value pair maps the node response to the next node for that response.

In this example, the true response from the evaluate node will process the context and have the result true or false. If true the process will move to the info_greater node. If false, the info_less node.

"key": "evaluate",
"description": "Evaluate if the number is high",
"catalog_node_key": "greater_than",
"configuration": {
"test_value": 0.5,
"context_path": "_random"
"edges": {
"true": "info_greater",
"false": "info_less"