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When a NodeCode completes processing, it must return a ResultInterface object. This object contains two instance variables.

In this code example from LogNodeCode you can see the method returns the status of ok and a simple message.

public function process(ContextInterface $context): ResultInterface
$message = $this->getRequiredConfigurationValue(self::MESSAGE);
$level = $this->getRequiredConfigurationValue(self::LEVEL, LogLevel::INFO);

$message = $this->template->replace($message, $context->getAll());
$this->logger->log($level, $message);

return $this->result(
'Logged the message to the logger.',


The status variable indicates to the process engine the computer readable value that was return. This is used with the edges to link to the next Node.


The ResultInterface intrface contains over a dozen commonly used response statuses like ok, low, high, true, false, and more.


The result object can also contain an optional message that is human-readable to describe the result returned from the NodeCode process method. These messages can be used in debugging or telemetry to identify errant issues in a process.

Result Descriptions

These objects are returned from the NodeCode objects to indicate the possible responses from the NodeCode. These descriptions help UI tools and validation code manage the process creation.

Result Description Traits

Since many of the NodeCode return common result statuses, the core package contains several common results. See this package for all the result description traits.

See this example of the OkResultsTrait being used.

class LogNodeCode implements NodeCodeInterface
use NodeCodeMetaTrait,

const KEY = 'log';

const NAME = 'Log Message';