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Test if a value in the context passes a test with an operator. To see the list of available operators see \Feral\Core\Utility\Filter\Criterion



Configuration Keys:

  • operator - The operator used in the test
  • test_value - The value used to test the actual value in the context
  • context_path - The key used to retrieve the actual value from the context

Operator Options

See see \Feral\Core\Utility\Filter\Criterion for details

  • eq
  • gt
  • gte
  • lt
  • lte
  • not
  • contains
  • in
  • nin
  • not_empty


  • true - The value in the context evaluates to true with the operator and test value
  • false - The value in the context evaluates to false with the operator and test value

Process Method

    public function process(ContextInterface $context): ResultInterface
$contextPath = $this->getRequiredStringConfigurationValue(self::CONTEXT_PATH);
$testValue = $this->getRequiredConfigurationValue(self::TEST_VALUE);
$operator = $this->getRequiredConfigurationValue(self::OPERATOR);
$contextValue = $this->getValueFromContext($contextPath, $context);
if ($this->comparator->compare($contextValue, $operator, $testValue)) {
if (is_array($testValue)) {
$testValue = implode(',', $testValue);
return $this->result(
'The "%s" context value passes the "%s" test with test value "%s".',
[$contextValue, $operator, $testValue]
} else {
if (is_array($contextValue)) {
$contextValue = implode(',', $contextValue);
if (is_array($testValue)) {
$testValue = implode(',', $testValue);
return $this->result(
'The "%s" context value does not pass the "%s" test with test value "%s".',
[$contextValue, $operator, $testValue]

Catalog Node Decorators

name: 'Is Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::EQ, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]
name: 'Is Not Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is not zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::NOT, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]
name: 'Is Greater Than Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is greater than zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::GT, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]
name: 'Is Greater Than or Equal to Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is greater than or equal to zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::GTE, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]
name: 'Is Less Than Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is less than zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::LT, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]
name: 'Is Less Than or Equal to Zero',
group: 'Flow',
description: 'Compare if a context value is less than or equal to zero.',
configuration: [self::OPERATOR => Criterion::LTE, self::TEST_VALUE => 0])]