📄️ calculation
A simple math node that can run arithmetic operations on data stored
📄️ context_value_comparator
Test if a value in the context passes a test with an operator. To see the list of
📄️ counter
Create a counter that ticks every pass through the node. The default context
📄️ http_data
Get Data using an HTTP request and store the results in a context variable.
📄️ json_decode
Decode a JSON string into an array. The default get context path is _results and the
📄️ json_encode
Encode an array and store the resulting JSON string. The default get context path is _results and the
📄️ slack-webhook
Send a message to a slack webhook. The message must be in the context
📄️ random
Create a random number between 0 and 1
📄️ read_file
Read the contents of a file into the context. The default maximum size is 1024^2 or 1048576 bytes.
📄️ set_context_table
Set the value of a context key to a configured value. To set a deep reference the parent object|array must exist.
📄️ set_context_value
Set the value of a context key to a configured value. To set a deep reference the parent object|array must exist.
📄️ start
Start the process by returning the OK status.
📄️ stop
Stop the process by returning the stop status.
📄️ throw_exception
If an error is received then convert the error into an exception. The message
📄️ slack_block_builder
Start the process by returning the OK status.
📄️ slack_send_blocks
Sned one to many blocks to a slack channel.